2025 ASJA Conference

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ASJA 2025 Conference

Thank you for joining us Feb. 24-26 at the Fashion Institute of Technology in New York City

Conference recaps

ASJA Always in Fashion 2025 NYC



ASJA’s 2025 conference took place live and in person Feb. 24-26 in New York City. It was held in conjunction with Client Connections 2025, ASJA’s signature networking event for professional members, which tooks place Feb. 25.

In keeping with the conference’s midtown Manhattan location at the Fashion Institute of Technology, the theme for the event was ASJA: Always in Fashion, NYC 2025. The presenting sponsor for the conference was the Jay and Patty Baker School of Business and Technology and Marketing Communications Department at the Fashion Institute of Technology.

FIT logoFor more than 50 years, the ASJA conference has adapted to meet the needs of writers at that moment in time, whether that’s developing passive income or creating a podcast.

As the premier organization for independent writers, including freelance journalists, content writers, and nonfiction book authors, ASJA takes pride that the annual ASJA conference is consistently named a top event for independent writing professionals because it connects writers with editors, agents, and other clients.

The ASJA conference attracts writers at all career stages, including those just launching a writing business, mid-career professionals, and long-time freelancers. The conference is always open to members as well as non-members, though non-members pay a higher registration fee.

The ASJA conference will once again be virtual in 2026 before returning to an in-person format in 2027.


ASJA: Always in Fashion, NYC 2025 featured three days of educational sessions, keynotes, fireside chats, receptions, and special events. The conference provided tracks for books, content marketing writing, and journalism to address writers’ specific interests, as well as cross-track sessions and interactive workshops to appeal to all attendees.

In addition to formal networking, the 2025 conference provided other, less-structured opportunities for attendees to mingle with colleagues, editors, and industry professionals at ASJA-hosted meals and receptions and in an informal writer’s lounge area.

Client Connections 2025

The 2025 conference once again included Client Connections, ASJA’s signature client networking event. Client Connections 2025 offered ASJA professional members attending the conference (who chose the add-on by Jan. 22) the opportunity to have one-on-one meetings with top newspapers, magazines, content marketing managers, agents, and publishers. After following up, members often find themselves with new client contacts and assignments.

Conference Details

Fashion Institute of TechnologyLocation:
Fashion Institute of Technology, 227 W. 27th Street, New York City

Dates and times:

  • Monday, Feb. 24, 1 p.m. – 6 p.m.
  • Tuesday, Feb. 25, 8 a.m. – 7 p.m.
  • Wednesday, Feb. 26, 8 a.m. – 1 p.m.


Hilton New York Fashion DistrictASJA’s room block at the Hilton New York Fashion District filled, but attendees found very reasonable rates via online booking sites at that hotel and others in the neighborhood.




The ASJA conference featured programming in three writing genres

Blue journalism icon

Journalism Track

The journalism industry and profession have changed dramatically in recent years, for freelance writers and staff writers alike. As layoffs at newsrooms and publications across the country have increased, many former staffers have made the leap to working for themselves. The journalism track offers tips and techniques for transitioning to freelance and relevant topics.

Pink content marketers icon

Content Marketing Writing Track

From blog posts to white papers, the content marketing track primes you for more clients and assignments. Whether you’re an experienced content writer or just breaking into this lucrative field, you’ll get up-to-the-minute insights from accomplished and knowledgeable writers, clients, and agencies.

Green authors icon

Books Track

Writing and publishing a nonfiction book is a big undertaking — whether it’s your first, your fifth, or your 25th. Books track sessions offer insights on the craft, planning, marketing, and business of books, so you can deliver your best work and build an audience eager to read what you write.

Other ASJA Confidential blog posts about the ASJA 2025 Conference

Registrations are non-transferable. Refunds will be provided for requests made in writing to asjaoffice@asja.org no later than Jan 24, 2025. No refunds will be granted after that date.